
Useful accessibility links and resources

Here’s a list of useful links for anyone wanting to learn more about some of the important legal and technical topics relating to accessibility in digital products. These are resources I’ve found particularly useful myself. If there are any other links you think I should include, then get in touch.


These mostly relate to the UK, EU and USA. Some apply a bit more widely. Wherever you’re working, or whatever the kind of work you’re doing, make sure you know the laws and regulations that apply. The first link in this list, to the W3Cs list of international laws and policies is a useful place to start.


Guidelines are great. They literally tell you how to do stuff. These links look mostly at the key front-end web technologies. There are plenty of others to find depending on the specialism of the work you’re doing, but these are a good starting point.

Accreditations and standards

Accreditations and standards are very useful for helping you, your organisation and your clients be the best. They tend to be written, updated and audited by people who really know what they’re talking about. So they’re well worth following. Even if you’re not yet ready to go for full accreditation, start with the basics and work your way up.


There are all sorts of fascinating things to learn if you’re interested in accessibility. Starting with the basics is a great idea. And these free courses are a superb way to gain an appreciation for why accessibility is such an important part of what we do as digital creators.

The phrase ‘stay up to date with industry trends’ is as ubiquitous on job descriptions in the digital industry as is ‘turn up for work’. Here are some exceptionally good resources for staying up to date in the field of digital accessibility.

Feel free to get in touch if you have something you think I should include on these lists. Or if you just fancy a chat about accessibility.