Legal stuff

Terms, privacy, cookies etc

Life’s too short for loads of legalese*. So, let’s cut to the chase.

This website’s here only so I can show off what I’ve done and what I know. I promise I’ve been as honest as I can be. If you see something you think is incorrect, please, please let me know.


I haven’t claimed to have done anything I wasn’t involved in (everything we do in life is a team effort). As this is a personal website, I’ve tried to focus on my own contributions to projects. If you think I ought to name-check you, let me know.

Most of the examples of work are projects for clients or employers. I acknowledge their copyright to the things they have copyright for. I’m only posting these things because I’m proud of what we did together. If you’d rather I took something down, or would like tweaks or credits, let me know.


I’m not collecting any personal information on the site. But I do have Google Analytics installed so I can see how many people are stalking me and where I can make the site better. I only see aggregated and anonomised data in my dashboard. You should know Google Analytics uses first party cookies.

I’m going to wager that you don’t mind me using analytics and cookies in the way I am here, because you understand why, and maybe we can chat about your data sometime. If I’m wrong, I’m obliged to give you options: you can probably block cookies in your browser; you can close this window. Either way, feel free to tell me why you object and I’ll see what I can do.

* Legal stuff is necessary and important. I've a strong understanding of GDPR, privacy and accessibility requirements. So if you need a designer who can take such things into account, give me a shout.